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ATOLLON Riadenie služieb

Riadenie služieb v teréne

Staňte sa hviezdou pre svojich zákazníkov vďaka špičkovým technologickým službám. Vďaka tomu, že poznáte svojho zákazníka a jeho technológie, budete môcť poskytovať skvelé služby, ktoré váš zákazník ocení lojalitou a prémiovými cenami. Získate konkurenčnú výhodu a vaša spoločnosť bude pre zákazníka prvou voľbou.

Hviezdy zákazníckeho servisu

Fenix Dental

Tímový e-mail

Nebude zmeškaný žiadny doručený e-mail a okamžite z neho vytvorte požiadavku na službu. Všetka následná konverzácia s klientom je ľahko dostupná v súvislosti so servisnou činnosťou každému, kto potrebuje preštudovať potreby potreby zákazníka v oblasti služieb. Aj po rokoch spolupráce.

Team e-mail for service teams
Technology detail for service technician

Sledovanie technológií

Dokonalá evidencia a prehľad o servise technológií a zariadení u zákazníka urobia z vašej spoločnosti nepostrádateľného člena tímu zákazníka. Aplikácia a návrhár formulárov vám umožní evidovať akýkoľvek typ zariadenia. História servisných zásahov zlepší starostlivosť o zariadenia zákazníka.

Service activities

Service activities are the basic unit of service technician performance. It is used for service planning, reporting of work, which can be electronically signed by the customer on site. They serve as a basis for invoicing, can be extended with a photo gallery or a record of measured parameters of the technique. Together with the integrated communication with the customer, they form the service history of the equipment.

Service activity
Service activity notification

Forms and document creation

From the service order form to detailed service reports. All digitised and reportable, even for the purposes of a mass email to alert the customer. You can create (or edit) document templates in MS Word or Excel format yourself.

Free initial consultation

Would you like to become star for your customers and at the same time make your life easier? Contact us and we will show you how.

I am interested in a free consultation

Next steps to your excellence in field service

Once you give us the green light, we'll start working on simplifying and automating your customer focuesed business processes. We implement in an agile manner, i.e. as gentle as possible on the company's operations.

Initial consultation

30 minutes FREE

  • Tell us something about your business
  • Tell us something about your customers
  • Tell us how you are setup (mail, accounting, CRM, etc.)


Up to next day FREE

  • Based on initial consulting, we set-up demo for you
  • The demo will reflect your needs

Setup system

Up to one week

  • Users, roles and processes
  • E-mail setup
  • Connect your accounting / ERP system
  • Your own document templates

Field Service Management

Become a star for your customers with the excellence in technology service. By knowing your customer and their technology, you'll be able to provide great service that your customer will appreciate with loyalty and premium pricing. You'll get a competitive edge and your company will be the customer's first choice.

Try for free